Published On: 21 August 2023

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Charity Trustees held on Thursday March 9th 2023 at 9pm in the Columba Centre, Fionnphort.

Trustees Present
were Mrs Linda Cameron (chair), Mrs Eleanor Wagstaff (clerk), Mrs Rhona Lindsay (treasurer), Mr John Cameron, Mr John Noddings, Mr John Wagstaff and Dr Andrew Todd.

There were no apologies.

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of Tuesday 13th December 2022 were approved as an accurate record – proposed by Rhona, seconded by John C.

Eleanor reported that Marjorie Toller has left Iona and now lives in Yorkshire. She can therefore no longer be a full member, but has requested associate membership. The Board approved the request.
Helen Terry of AGL has advised that the proportion of associate members is on the high side. It would be of benefit to the Board to gain three or four more full members before the SLF Stage 2 application is submitted. Rhona agreed to display some membership forms in The Ferry Shop. A data protection statement is required and Rhona will prepare this.

Presentation and Approval of Annual Accounts
Rhona had prepared the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2022 and presented these to the Board for their consideration (copies had also been emailed to members beforehand). She noted that there were few outgoing expenses, the main activities of the Board having been the acquiring of grant funding to launch the project. She reported that the accounts had been inspected and approved by Mr Martin Caldwell. The Board approved the accounts as accurate – proposed by John C, seconded by John N. Rhona was thanked for her work.

Trustees Report
Eleanor and Rhona had completed the Trustees Report, which had been circulated to Board members before the meeting. This was also approved as accurate – proposed by Rhona, seconded by John C. Eleanor and Rhona were thanked for the work involved. The Report, along with the Annual Accounts and Martin Caldwell’s signed statement, will be uploaded onto the OSCR website.

Linda reminded the Trustees that the AGM will be held on Monday 13th March at 7.30pm in St Ernan’s Church.

There being no further business, Linda thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting.