Our Progression

At this stage, as we seek to acquire the building, there are two main strands to our activities. The first includes engaging with the General Trustees of the Church of Scotland and local Kirk committees; applying for grants to fund preparatory work before acquisition; and raising funds locally through a range of social and cultural activities.

The second engages directly with the local community. We have established a membership scheme which is open to anyone living within the local area. We seek out local opinions through public meetings and social gathering and we keep people informed about the proposed development both at fund-raising events and through the local press.

In 2022 we successfully applied for Stage 1 funding from the Scottish Land Fund (SLF) for a feasibility study and business plan, a building condition survey and an independent valuation.

The Next Stages

  • We are currently working on the feasibility study and business plan with a professional architect as we move towards our application for SLF Stage 2 funding.

  • We are also about to enter into negotiations with the Church of Scotland Trustees as the sale of the building progresses.

Volunteering & Helping

Interested in being part of this exciting Community project? Contact us for more information.

Need more information?

Can’t find the information regarding St Ernan’s that you want? Please contact us for more detailed information.


We are currently in the process of setting up our donations link which should be available very soon.